In the expansive world of gaming, OnePlay, a dynamic four-year-old Indian startup, is making waves with its ambitious foray into cloud gaming. Founded in...
As December unfolds, the world gears up to celebrate Merry Christmas 2023 on the 25th, a festivity transcending religious boundaries. Dive into the history,...
As the curtains fall on 2023, we reflect on a year that witnessed a cinematic extravaganza, with major Bollywood stars delivering hit Blockbuster after...
Diversifying his achievements, BTS' Jimin cements his place in music history as the first solo artist to conquer international iTunes charts with seven songs,...
In 2015, Ducati wowed riders in India with the debut of the first-generation Scrambler Icon, showcasing remarkable on-road performance. The anticipation for its successor...
Tragic Loss in Car Accident
Fort Worth, Texas - In a devastating incident on Friday, Laura Lynch, the pioneering member of the renowned country music...
Contemplating adding a furry friend to your household? Before embarking on cat ownership, explore these indispensable pros and cons to guide your decision-making process....