Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, his latest film "Animal" has surpassed the earnings of his previous blockbuster "Sanju," becoming his highest-grossing movie worldwide. The achievement...
Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda and model-actor Lin Laishram recently graced a wedding celebration, capturing attention with their resplendent ethnic golden ensembles. The duo's choice...
Sonam Kapoor, the style icon of Bollywood, made a stunning appearance at the Filmfare OTT Awards 2023, turning heads in a mesmerizing blue off-shoulder...
Bollywood actress Radhika Madan, known for her versatile performances, recently shared her thoughts on the transformative journey of meeting diverse individuals, describing it as...
Salman Khan's latest film, Tiger 3, continues its victorious journey at the global box office, crossing the impressive ₹400 crore mark on its tenth...
Sonam Kapoor recently hosted an opulent party at her residence to welcome football legend David Beckham. The event was a spectacular display of luxury,...
Cricket enthusiasts and fans worldwide were treated to an adorable spectacle as Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma expressed sheer jubilation, showering kisses on her husband,...
In a riveting sneak peek into the much-anticipated "Singham Again," Akshay Kumar took to social media to reveal Kareena Kapoor's first look. The actress,...