In a groundbreaking venture, Himalayan Dream Treks (HDT) achieved a remarkable milestone by organizing the Gaumukh Marathon in the pristine landscapes of Gangotri National...
In a spectacular finale to 2023, BTS' Jungkook has asserted his global music dominance by achieving unprecedented success on both the Billboard and iTunes...
Harshkumar Badheka’s short film “Patra Mitro” is an emotional rollercoaster that talks about the complexities of relationships and unforgettable connections Starring Ojas Rawal and...
As anticipation reaches a fever pitch, the final season of Stranger Things is gearing up for an electrifying premiere. While the Duffer Brothers officially...
Singh Saab – Parijat Prasoon an acclaimed author, career counselor, relationship counselor, and motivational speaker, is leading the charge in making mental health support...