Introducing Finementor : Your Gateway to Devops Excellence by Honeykode Technologies


Many educators in India find themselves exploited by institutions in traditional education careers and seek a transition to online education.

Vysakh M, an educator from Kerala, is on a mission to facilitate this transition by offering peer support. With years of experience in the online education sector, he has partnered with international edtech companies, including Numerade, CourseHero, Unitas, and more since 2016.

In March 2023, he became the first Indian to be featured in the Educator Spotlight of Numerade on LinkedIn. “Numerade values educators like Vysakh, who go the extra mile to support and empower students,” the edtech noted in the announcement post.

With great enthusiasm, Vysakh M offers free online and offline sessions designed to help teachers who are looking to transition to careers in online education. The goal is to provide peer help on how to navigate the world of online education successfully.

Teachers and institutions can reach out Vysakh M via email at



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