In a heartfelt announcement on Weverse, global sensation BTS revealed the release date for their highly anticipated documentary, “BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star.” The emotional teaser, featuring RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, offers a glimpse into the group’s reflections on their 10-year journey and beyond.
Table of Contents
Release Schedule: A Journey Through Time and Memories
- Episodes 1 & 2: December 20, 2023, 5 PM (KST)
- Episodes 3 & 4: December 27, 2023, 5 PM (KST)
- Episodes 5 & 6: January 3, 2024, 5 PM (KST)
- Episodes 7 & 8: January 10, 2024, 5 PM (KST)
A Decade of BTS: Genuine Stories from the Heart
The documentary promises an intimate look at BTS’s decade-long journey, exploring their past and sharing authentic stories from the heart. As the seven members commemorate their 10th anniversary, viewers can expect a meaningful reflection on their growth and resilience.
Teaser Insights: Emotions Unveiled
The teaser, shared on Bangtan TV’s YouTube channel, captures poignant moments of the members expressing their emotions. J-Hope shares, “I felt each and every emotion,” while Suga reveals, “So I started to make music again.” Laughter and tears, joy and reflection—each member contributes to the emotional tapestry of their narrative.
Military Service Update: Beyond the Horizon
Currently, Jin, J-Hope, and Suga are fulfilling their mandatory military service, while RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook await their turn. The group’s commitment to serving in the military aligns with South Korea’s regulations, where all able-bodied men aged 18-28 are required to serve for approximately two years.
Anticipated Reunion: Looking Towards 2025
As BTS members embark on their individual military journeys, they hope to reunite as a full unit around 2025, marking the end of their service commitments. The documentary serves as both a celebration of their extraordinary journey and a prelude to the next chapter in the remarkable story of BTS.